Ellen Wieske

Ellen Wieske is an artist who works in many materials.  Primarily a metalsmith she worked in the Detroit jewelry industry for 18 years as a jeweler/stone setter/designer.  Wieske shows her work and teaches internationally.  She received an MFA from Cranbrook Academy of Art. 

Currently Wieske maintains dowstudio with her wife, potter Carole Ann Fer in Deer Isle on the coast of down east Maine.  She is also the Interim Director at Haystack Mountain School of Craft.  


Artist Statement:

“Poem in Three Stanzas” is a tribute to pattern, texture and the complexity found in both a graphite line drawing and a poem. The shape, weight, density, and shadow of steel wire approximates the words that form the phraseology in verse. 

As in a poem, the concept and meaning of this piece is in the control of the reader or viewer. It is written in a language which requires a different part of communication to understand its meaning. The patterns and forms exist in an visual grammatical format. The meaning is constructed of shape, weight, density and shadow. 

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